Comparing agendas on preventing FGM/C in Guinea-BIssau, Senegal and Gambia

FGM/C is at the core of the international agendas on sexual and reproductive rights and mirrors the joint efforts of both human rights and gender equality movements. This complex issue addresses the opposition between individual rights and social norms, between external actors and local individuals, between international institutions and national autonomy. This paper compares the implementation of agendas in FGM/C in Guinea Bissau, Senegal and Gambia, questioning the paradigms and assumptions behind these programs, their local implementations and the outputs of these projects. We aim at understanding the multiple points of view on FGM/C, including ethical justifications of the humanitarian enterprise involved in anti-FGM/C campaigns and the local actors, including decision-makers, practitioners and subjects. Comparing agendas, and preventing FGM/C projects in this three countries allows for a broader approach on the different implementation of international agendas.

Ricardo Falcao . CEI-IUL .
Clara Carvalho . CEI-IUL .

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