Lançamento dos livros | Books exhibition
January 12 . 17:00 – 17:30
My way from Congo to Europe: between resistance, flight and exile, Emmanuel Mbolela
Apresentação: Alexander Behr e Emmanuel Mbolela
Emmanuel Mbolela and Alexander Behr are activists in the network Afrique Europe Interact (AEI). Mbolela was a youth opposition leader in the Democatic Republic of Congo, was imprisoned and had to flee the country in 2002. He migrated trough various subsaharian Countries and the Desert until he arrived in Morocco, where he co-founded one of the first Sans-Papiers Groups in the country. After four years, he was accepted in a resettlement programme of the UNHCR and now lives in the Netherlands. Mbolela wrote a remarkable political autobiography called “My way from Congo to Europe: between resistance, flight and exile”. Alexander Behr translated his book from french to german; he is also his translator into english. In their network Afrique Europe Interact, Mbolela and Behr fight for freedom of movement and for an end to neocolonial exploitation on the African continent. AEI consists of about hundred active members in Holland, Germany, Austria, Morocco, the DRC, Mali, Burkina Faso and Togo.