Based on a theoretical foundation in the gender camp as a social construction, we analyze the consequences of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act in a local context and global in the light of fundamental rights and their instruments for defense of this population. Knowing that as a result of the approval of this law, it is essential that the LGBTI population will be pressed and particularly at risk and need protection. Support this, it will be found by means of refuge, asylum and migration in search of better living conditions and respect. Thus, we will address the issue of refugees in view of its large amplitude in the African setting, particularly in East Africa, in the face of great repression LGBTIphobia that Uganda is transmitting. Data provided by the UNHCR (Agency UN Refugee) and other service providers in Kenya, a country of great demand for LGBTI population, indicate that at least 400 LGBTI Ugandans have sought safety and asylum there between January 2014 and February 2015. It is worth noting that Kenya also has many tools for the persecution of this minority population, however it is the space where the UNHCR will work to provide support, financial and social to Ugandans that here asilam through “camps” that are socially harmful and repressive for this population at risk, because if they turn away from him, these people may be arrested or deported. Soon, through analysis of case-by-case we will explain forms of remedy these problems that are happening in the context of forced migration, in order to reduce the frustration of these refugees, improving service quality and primarily the protection and their rights assurance. Thus defend freedom of expression , and the ability to expose the social construction individual that acquired during their formation.
Icaro Taynan C S Pereira . University Federal of Rio Grande do Norte .

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